Genres: action, comedy, magic
Themes: fanservice
Objectionable content: Significant
Plot Summary: The story revolves around Koyomi Morishita, a clumsy high school freshman girl who is often mistaken for a grade-schooler because of her shortness. Koyomi becomes a disciple of Misa Anehara, a 25-year-old graduate student who happens to be one of the most powerful modern-day magicians.
Running time: 24 minutes per episode
Number of episodes: 12
Audio : Japanese
Subtitle : English
المصدر: منتديات زي ما بدك - أنمي مترجم
jk.dg pgrhj hghkld FULLTFLRGD FpolishedD Yoku Wakaru Gendai Mahou FMKVLBDL720pD
from منتديات زي ما بدك - أنمي مترجم http://ift.tt/1CggwhQ
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